Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Jaguars came in two colour phases, yellow and black and believed that the yellow phase of the Jaguar pulled the sun across the day sky and that the black phase of the Jaguar pulled the moon across the night sky. The jaguar was often the symbol of shamans, individuals who could bridge the conscious and unconscious worlds, who had a special access to the afterlife and to the spirit world. Many thought the jaguar was shape-shifter, able to transform itself at will.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Where I end and you begin
We both go down together
Carying is creepy
Hey you
I wish you where here
In other words
If it be your will
Better Days

The Rose
Bold as love
This Love
High and Dry
Dreaming with a broken heart
Pictures of success

Not myself
Look after you
True Love waits
Seven Years
So- so Gigolo

My body is a Cage
I need a man to love
The heart of life
Loosing hope

No easy way down
Beloved stranger
Till there was you

Blue eyes
to The dark side of the moon
Kiss me goodbye
In the Sand
Foolish games
I must belong somewhere
Bye, bye baby

Make it grand
Love song for no one
Don´t let me down
When the stars go blue

It´s all understood
Fake plastic trees
Into the fold
Back to you
Maybe tomorrow
I´m gonna find another you

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Raining in Baltimore

This circus is falling down on its knees
The big top is crumbling down
It's raining in Baltimore fifteen miles east
Where you should be, no one's around

I need a phone call
I need a raincoat
I need a big love
I need a phone call

These train conversations are passing me by
And I don't have nothing to say
You get what you pay for
But I just had no intention of living this way

I need a phone call
I need a plane ride
I need a sunburn
I need a raincoat

And I get no answers
And I don't get no change
It's raining in Baltimore, baby
But everything else is the same

There's things I remember...
things I forget
I miss you
I guess that I should

Three thousand five hundred miles away
But what would you change if you could?

I need a phone call
Maybe I should buy a new car
I can always hear a freight train
Baby, if I listen real hard

And I wish... I wish it was a small world
Because I'm lonely for the big towns
I'd like to hear a little guitar
I guess it's time to put the top down

I need a phone call
I need a raincoat
Really need a raincoat

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cheers for ignorant and dimisive soulmates!!!!!!!

Maturation of a Minute

Now, silence constructs,
in the emptinesses of the commas and ellipses
the glance of a young woman remained perplex,
there's not an old lady behind the window
nor a new born that plants seed.
There are some chipped feet,
that have been hurt by the price of truth,
what consumes the act of living,
that it is the drink of air that never occured.
A girl dressed as a flower
took the hand of the boy who mud dressed,
The vase has broken,
the lie of living through sound.
The sin of hoping, waiting.
The disc turned and with it turned the note,
with the note, the music,
with the music the movement,
The life from the movement
and from the life the lie.
Now silence constructs,
In the emptinesses of the commas and ellipses,
it stays orgasmic the symphony of the error,
the enjoyment of the moment,
The worldly, the vile, the banal, the dynamic
becomes eternal to us
And in the eternal, I encounter the question……
And declare in silence, what it constructs…

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

death space

she would float into the death space
dirty nails
and all
mind yearning
Red lips
Blue tongue
remember Pink toes in the grass
boys with Bloody knees and a smile
Bloody knees and a smile
where Black turns Blue
turns White
misshapen rocks
with Turquoise dots and fairytale spots
Red mermaids in the sand
gum Green
shoulders Tan
perfect hands
Bloody knees
and a smile

Monday, September 24, 2007

One of these days..

We wake up, and do whatever it is meant to do... In a way we always have something to do and if not well we can even feel impersonal; like the rain without the clouds.

Tenderly the hours approach with the sneaky fragance of urgency and supervision, like if a third eye, place just in the center of our bodies would claim to existance for a little bit of eternity...

Then the usual, cup of coffee, walk, car, talk, silence, talk, stare, breath, believe....reject, adore, include, exclude, become and die in the middle of the massive circumstance....

To where the body, the skin, the eyes go may always be a mysterie, but when the gentle touch of love holds the delicated membrane of our paths and worlds, the vision is different...

The sense of live is taking place.

I felt the love through the sunshine hair one day... like when the cell devides and the membrane creates, and recreates! WHAT A LIFE!!

one of these days, we become love!