Monday, September 24, 2007

One of these days..

We wake up, and do whatever it is meant to do... In a way we always have something to do and if not well we can even feel impersonal; like the rain without the clouds.

Tenderly the hours approach with the sneaky fragance of urgency and supervision, like if a third eye, place just in the center of our bodies would claim to existance for a little bit of eternity...

Then the usual, cup of coffee, walk, car, talk, silence, talk, stare, breath, believe....reject, adore, include, exclude, become and die in the middle of the massive circumstance....

To where the body, the skin, the eyes go may always be a mysterie, but when the gentle touch of love holds the delicated membrane of our paths and worlds, the vision is different...

The sense of live is taking place.

I felt the love through the sunshine hair one day... like when the cell devides and the membrane creates, and recreates! WHAT A LIFE!!

one of these days, we become love!

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